Season 51, Week 1
(Final Fantasy IV)
Hey, look on the bright side, Gobi! Even if you are getting a whupping this week, at least you can claim you're more attractive than your opponent! Even with Milon's shortcomings in studliness, he can still take this match handily. On one hand, Gobi sucks. On the other hand, Gobi really sucks. Milon beats him in pretty much every category, from damage to the ability to take punishment to his skillset variety. Now, being better than Gobi at fighting isn't that much of an accomplishment, but hey, it's good enough to make it to Week 3, right? And really, it's not like Milon can expect much respect in Light anyway. So, all things considering, this match is pretty cut and dry. Congrats, Milon. Don't get your hopes up too high.



Sure, he's a fish. Sure, he's more of a merchant than a hero. But Gobi can still swing a mean spear! Against a feeble fiend such as Milon, that minor distinction will be enough. Milon is not known for his power at all. Oh no, he has weak lightning magic and poison gas. For a fish who knows how to fight out of water, this isn't hard to deal with at all. He's going to cut through the zombies, spear past the skeletons and work his way to the undead mastermind! There he'll endure the Fiend of Earth's assault and impale him over and over with his trident! Despite all the death and magic Milon commands, he can't save himself from a complete beatdown. He just doesn't have the firepower needed to keep up, and that ends that.

"Milon smells worse with air fresheners than without. Who'da thunk it?" Cecil muttered after dragging the fainted Gobi out of the arena. Rosa scrunched up her nose. "Let's not ask how Gobi even managed to sell them to Milon, let alone how that worked, alright, dear...?"

Milon: 43
Gobi: 5