Season 6, Week 2
(Final Fantasy IX)
Lani doesn't bring much to the table, really. Just a weak boss form, some elemental magic, and decent speed. Fortunately for her, that's more than enough to crush the likes of Chu-Chu with. A few mid strength spells will be all it takes for Lani will score an easy win.



Chu-Chu has growth issues. As she can't grow, she has issues with dealing damage, taking hits, and sucking in general. She isn't horribly screwed against Lani, though. She has some limited healing, and Lani isn't much of a fighter herself. Will Fei's furball filch a win?

Lani may not be much of a fighter, but she does have some attack magic. A few shots of her middling attack magic should dispatch the furball.

Lani: 10
Chu-Chu: 7

If a bunny rabbit can lay waste to most of King Arthur's troops, I think a little puffball can beat a single bounty hunter.