Season 55, Week 2
Rebecca Streisand
(Wild ARMs 5)
Let's just put all the jokes about "cowgirl" and those cutoff shorts aside. We know you're all thinking them anyway. Rebecca, however, is no joke. Who can argue with a harsh talking, trick-shooting, out-speeding, hyphen-inducing chick? Well, a pint-sized painter girl is going to try. Relm can Control or Sketch, but with what Rebecca's got to work with it won't help her much. It's all going to playright into Rebecca's hands, really. For once the DL's stringent equipment policies help someone rather than hinder them! All that's left is for Rebecca to take shots at Relm until she's dead... or at least crying.



Relm has to wonder how would her newest victim - erm, model - will react to her specialty, since she's a complete newcomer and probably hasn't heard about Relm's tales... well, there's an advantage for Relm right there! And Rebecca is quite a brash girl, which means her picture should be quite interesting to see unfold - but if, for some reason, Relm is unable to paint to her heart's content, she'll have to console herself with thwacking that tsundere upside the head with the brush, then painting once the fight is over. After all, Relm is always happy to give a welcome painting to DL newcomers!


It didn't occur to Rebecca how ridiculous her outfit really was until Relm actually painted an exact portrait of her on the spot. Due to the embarrassment factor, Rebecca had no choice but to quit the fight, and hopefully salvage her dignity in some other means.

Rebecca Streisand: 15
Relm Arrowny: 17