Season 56, Week 1
(Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
Legendary warriors and mighty masters of the axe have nothing to fear from a seemingly middle-aged mermaid woman! Bwahahahaha! Garcia's got the ox-like strength to cut this respectable lass into delicious seafood with a few swings of his trusty Silver Axe. The proud ex-soldier and father of Ross is as veteran, as his many honorrifics would indicate, having seen more battlefields and carnage than Irenes could ever imagine. Nothing phases this experienced fighter; not even the prospect of death, let alone a weird fish woman. In the face of such power and bluster, is it any wonder that Garcia's in position to wipe the floor with Irenes and claim victory?



With an unfortunate accent and race, Irenes just hasn't been much of a DL presence. However, she hopes to change this little problem by actually making a few waves in Light! That can't be this hard, right? After all, her magical harp and power over water... eh, who is anyone kidding. Irenes just wants to get this fight over with and blow off some steam. So, she will just bash her harp in the head of that Garcia fellow really hard until he faints. Given how her instrument is about twice the size of a human's head and Garcia is so slow that he'll get getting clonked twice for every motion of the mermaid, this should happen pretty fast.

There's something about ruggedly manly men who wield axes and don't afraid of anything that is appealing. It's impossible to point out just what about them is appealing. They just are.

Irenes acknowledges this. When she further learned that Garcia apparently had no wife, she added one and one together.

Garcia, who was just about as well with smashing axe in face, decided to just go along with Irenes' proposition, as honestly, the entire CAN'T ARGUE WITH AN AXE TO THE FACE routine was honestly becoming a bit cliché.

And so, Garcia went on a date with Irenes. And, as long as he'd promised to at least call her again and give it a try, she was content with forfeiting the match.

Not like she felt there was much future in being a mere Chrono Cross scrub. Really. You can't fault her. She got a ruggedly manly man with an axe out of the deal.

Garcia: 28
Irenes: 15