The DL is a place where anyone has a chance to shine, and little girls like Chelsea are no exception! Her high-accuracy ranged attacks give her an advantage over melee fighters, especially those that are dependent on counter-attacks. And her Berserker Bow's innate fire-typing allows her to hit some common elemental weakness. While her damage and durability may not stand out, even in the low divisions of the tournament, she can rack up some decent damage by spamming her Shock Arrow's stun status, which is reapplicable once it hits!
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1 if by land, 2 if by sea? With someone like Yumei around, you don't have to choose! After all, as a shapeshifting mermaid, Yumei is an effortless fighter on both solid ground and in the middle of the ocean. Of course, like all VP mages, she's hampered in the arena by CT. Despite that, she's not to be taken lightly. After all, with Frigid Damsel and Stone Torch in her arsenal, she has a decent shot at both damaging and statusing out her opponents, and if they don't finish her quickly enough, she can rain icy destruction down upon them with a purify weird soul with just a few turns of wait time!