Season 10, Week 3
Kiros Seagil
(Final Fantasy VIII)
Kiros edged past the speedy Stallion last round, and he's geared up to give Nina a fight. Although he's hardly a sluggish fighter, he'll be no match for Nina in that regard. Instead, Kiros must rely on his physical to damage the extremely frail princess and make good use of his Blood Pain limit to dispatch his winged opponent.



The third Nina hasn't brought shame to her name so far this season - though beating Llewelyn is hardly an achievement. This week she’s up against another fighter generally known for being terrible. Kiros has low durability, low strength, and attacks that don’t scare even the fragile Wyndian, especially after a Blunt or two. After lowering his attack, all she will need is a few Mjollnir castings to take down Kiros.

Kiros' one edge is his Limit, which hitting someone who lacks anything resembling physical durability like Nina would smite her...

Pity that he never got a chance to use his Limit, as first Nina openned with several castings of Blunt, and then followed up with macking him with the Hidden Dagger, he didn't take anything CLOSE to damage neccessary to get him into limit range, it was only a matter of time before that Instant Death got him.

Kiros Seagil: 9
Nina Wyndia: 37