Season 15, Week 3
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
After an easy victory over Rafa, Pherae's most celebrated sniper has set her sights on a second straight victory over a spell-slinging strategy RPG character. Though she's a girl of many talents, Rebecca's impressive speed looks to be her greatest asset in this bout. Saradin's infamous for having long stretches of lag time after every spell he casts - and Rebecca will be putting that time to very good use.



Rashidi imparted many things to Saradin: a mission in life, wisdom to face up to even the strongest of opponents, and savage magics which draw upon the elements around him for the blistering power. A few well-cast spells against his opponent's terrible Resistance shall be more than enough to prove his might. Rebecca may have a pretty face and a pretty weapon, but those fall by the wayside when faced with one of the Wise Man's star pupils.

Saradin was so puzzled by rampant arguments over what he was allowed, that he decided to just say the hell with it and pull in his entire initial team.

Granted, he was disqualified for this, since he wasn't paying attention enough to the debates to notice that this was the one thing the judges did agree was illegal.

Sadly, they didn't stop arguing until the match was over.

Happily, Saradin's initial team turns out to be a pair of Golems, who would struggle to hit Ricardo Banderas, let alone one of the most, if not the most, evasive people in Light.

So, Saradin's in the unusual position of being one of the few people ever in the RPGDL to be both disqualified and lose, in the same match.

Last anyone checked, he was reading a book and muttering something about being stupid for not paying more attention. He didn't seem to notice the stares this got him.

Rebecca: 22
Saradin: 12