Season 17, Week 2
Sylvina. A Suikoden character who specializes in magic... and who enters the DL without a rune. Normally, this should mean abject failure even in Light. However, her first opponent may be, horrifyingly, even worse. The Manillo merchant Gobi has no redeeming qualities whatsoever when fighting at land. Sylvina, on the other hand, makes up for her lack of power with great speed and accuracy, and should have an easy time against this pathetic opponent. As a Star of Destiny, victory here is her duty as an elf.



It's been fifteen seasons since the Manillo merchant's last match, but now he's back to fight for the pride of his people. His opponent, Sylvina, is hardly a durable fighter even in Light, and her damage is far from spectacular. Gobi may not have many tricks to fall back on in a fight, but it shouldn't take Gobi more than a few pokes of his trident to skewer his elfin foe and advance to the next round. And if all else fails, a little "contribution" to the judges could persuade them to make this an underwater match...

Sage Acrin
Well, there are many ways to analyze this match.

One could note that Sylvina, as a mage with no actual spells, has some issues damaging Gobi.

On the other hand, one could note that Gobi, as...well, a fish out of water, has his own special skills sealed.

In their relative plots, their power is about the same. Sylvina is just a fairly random elven girl, while Gobi is a humble merchant.

However, one thing is fairly simple.

Think for a moment. When has a fish bested an elf in his own game, on even terms?

Artea and Jerin have certainly slaughtered hoardes of fish, eels, hydras and various other aquatic beasts. Astos, though certainly not powerful, could defeat the fish that swim outside his castle with ease. Arche Klaine is only a half-elf, yet she can still crush aquatic monsters with ease. In most worlds, the fish aren't even strong enough to put up any level of a fight.

Maybe it comes of elves largely being part of an ancient and powerful race, whereas most fish... aren't.

Or maybe the fish just want to get away from the arrogant elves as fast as possible.

In the end, it just doesn't matter.

Sylvina: 48
Gobi: 16

Sylvania stood nervously at the edge of the arena, her bow drawn back, facing off against the fearsome fish man known only as Gobi. She was in doubt about whether she could win this match, but couldn't risk failing and disappointing Kirkis.

"A-are you ready?" she asked, her fingers shaking as she carefully sighted her deadly weapon.

Gobi, on the other hand, seemed confident as he rested his trident point first on the ground.

"Actually Sylvania..."

Several minutes later Gobi walked out of the arena, smiling as he weighed the bag of potch Sylvania had given him. After all, what was the point in fighting for a victory that had no reward? Taking a fall for cash was much better in the business sense.

Sir Alex
On the other hand, I DO respect Gobi more than a runeless Suiko mage. Both are completely worthless and outshined by the entire rest of their casts, but Gobi can actually ruin random's days; Sylvina has no such luck.