Season 20, Week 1
(Chrono Cross)
Each name that Solt is called brings his rage to a whole new level. And what better way to let go all of your pent-up feelings than fighting to the death in an arena? After his grave humiliation at Gremio's hands, he’s returned to the Arena for his second try, against the demoness Etna. While some may say she one-ups him in every conceivable duelling manner possible…the fact that he knows Etna will mock him horribly if he loses will easily push him to power levels he’d never dreamed of. No one will dare mock him after he crushes all these puny Lights like bugs.



Etna's in for a tough fight this least if she forgets to bring her spear, and armor, and starts hitting herself during the match, anyway. Solt was nothing but a comedic-relief boss for Serge, and while Etna has never been one to ignore a good joke, after this match she'll be laughing all the way to the next round, and without a scratch on her to mar the humor. A few shots of Chaos Impact (And, maybe, a Sexy Beam just to see Solt's reaction...) and she's on her way to more serious battles...unless, of course, Solt has some surprise waiting for her...

Hate Hate Hate
I'll say it right now, pitting ANYONE against a Marl Series character means DEATH. They max out at level 9999 with their stats in the MILLIONS.

Besides,look at Etna's picture. She's ANGRY,and you won't like her when she's angry.

Solt: 4
Etna: 60