Season 21, Week 2
(Shining Force 2)
There have been tons of Shining Force characters in the DL this season, and Janet wants to prove she’s one of the best! She’s facing a fellow archer, and she’ll be damned if she’ll let some little novice bring her down! If she can get past this prissy, cutesy little thing, who knows what will come next? A victory for the soldiers of the Shining Force will surely lift the spirit of the morale of a game with thus-far unremarkable performances in the DL.



The comely archer of Pherae has a second chance to shine in the DL! After a competent run in season 15, Rebecca and her cute pigtails will twirl in excitement over her newest challenge: a lady archer much like herself! Of course, she also has the edge in archery here: her arrows strike harder and more often than Janet's, who will also have to face Rebecca's nimble reflexes. Becca has all the right cards in hand to dominate Light!

She rode into town, and pulled her bandana down, 'cause everyone knows a pigtail, and pigtails arent allowed, no pigtails are allowed, in New Granseal town.

The sun was high and her mouth was dry so she strode up to the saloon. Ordered herself some red eye and knew she'd meet Janet soon.

She checked out all the archers, sitting 'round the bar. She knew she found New Granseal town and Janet couldn't be too far.

When she walked out the saloon, there stood Janet forlorn, she didn't have no time to speak as both bows had just been drawn.

Now the archer Janet was quick, but 'Becca shot straight and fast. She put an arrow right through her heart
and laid her on her back.

Janet: 12
Rebecca: 45

Ryu Hayabusa
The two cast-iron doors opened and the contestants emerged to face each other across the blood-spattered arena floor.

The girls seemed to pause, disoriented by the bright lights and deafened by the bloodthirsty chant of the crowd: "Kill!! Kill!! KILL!!!"

Rebecca took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. She had been here before. This was nothing new. Her opponent was a first-timer and was probably more scared than her anyway - at least, that's what Rebecca thought until an arrow whizzed past her head, grazing one of her pigtails.

"Prepare yourself!" Janet cried, preparing another arrow. "For the sake of the entire Shining Force cast, I must not be defeated here! I'll kill you and put an end to our game's miserable losing streak!"

"Can't we talk this over?" Rebecca gasped, unnerved by the elf girl's sudden ferocity. "I mean, we don't really want to kill each other, do we?"

"The time for talk is over!" Janet screamed, firing another arrow which tore Rebecca's bandana off her head. "Die, die, die!!"

"Kill her!" yelled a spectator. "Kill the Fire Emblem witch!"

"Lesbian orgy!" screamed another. Rebecca dove aside to dodge Janet's third arrow, and slid across the cold ground to rise in a half-crouch, letting loose a quick double-turn of arrows in Janet's direction. Both hit, one piercing Janet's shoulder, and the other just beneath her left breast. Crimson blood welled up, reddening Janet's pink outfit where the arrows struck, and yet the elf girl struggled to nock another arrow to her bow.

"Yield!" Rebecca said. "I have no wish to kill you!"

"Foolish girl." Janet panted. "In the arena... there is no mercy.. and no quarter.. for the weak.."

"But why?" Rebecca cried. "Why can't we just play nice?"

"Take that!" Janet yelled and sent the arrow hurtling through the air to strike Rebecca in the thigh. Rebecca gasped in pain, and instinctively spun an arrow around in her hand, nocking it and putting it between Janet's eyes in one fluid motion.

It was a perfect counter-critical. Janet slowly toppled backward, crashing to the ground like a broken doll. A pool of blood quickly formed around her body, as the crowd roared in satisfaction.

"No..." Rebecca whispered, turning away. "Why did it have to come to this..."

Adumbro Deus
How did Rebecca end up in the light division? Rebecca has every intention of correcting the oversight, and facing a fellow archer will not faze her. Rebecca's incredible speed makes it very unlikely that Janet will get a single hit in, and that same stat means that she will get two attack attempts for every one Janet gets. She also criticals like a madwomen. This results in a very, very short match.

Janet lucks out and gets to attack first, only to miss, allowing Rebecca to counter, twice, in a row. Rebecca gets her turn and attacks, Jenet then counters, but Rebecca gets a second attack of course. That wears down Janet far too much, and she faints, ending the battle.

Weak, frail, and quick ranged attackers, Rebecca and Janet are in large part identical. Or they would be if Janet could evade half of the phyical attacks that come her way, and counter all of them.