Season 25, Week 2
(Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
Father and warrior, Garcia has seen horrors and wonders on the battlefield, from watching close friends die to watching his own son take up his axe and surpass him in battle. Now, this seasoned soldier enters the arena for a little fun and relaxation, with an axe to grind for his division placement! Strong and poweful, Garcia hits like a tank, and is one of the toughest fighters in the light division. A few swings of his mighty weapon will flatten even hardened fighters. Zhuzhen Liu may be a crafty warrior, but mighty he's not. An axe to the face will fix him up in a hurry.



Everybody loves crazy old men, and Zhuzhen just happens to be among the craziest. While the Light division is no popularity contest, it might be more exciting that way with the ineptitude of most combatants in there. Fortunately, that isn't the case at all this week, as the eccentric old monk faces off against the heroic warrior Garcia. Garcia's axe is definitely fearsome, but Zhuzhen has fire. Yes, glorious fire that burns and purifies all. Garcia usually has a tough time handling spells of Zhuzhen's magnitude; as such, if Zhuzhen can avoid Garcia's axe, this high profile Light match is his for the taking.

Zhuzhen had no idea how Strago had pulled it off, but he did it. He got Garcia into the ring thoroughly roughed up without anyone seeming to notice. So with that match out of the way it was time to go pay off his debt. It was odd to be doing work similar to that of Dehuai, but how could he refuse with bait like this? A victory and a chance to watch, well worth it he thought.

Now to begin the chant and summon the being that Strago wanted...
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Garcia: 36
Zhuzhen Liu: 37

"Kill it with fire!" Yelled those rooting for Zhuzhen.

"Axe to the face!" Cried out those supporting Garcia (and being from a game with a particularly large cast, this drowned out most everything else)

The two combatants, however, simply stood there. Being the shrewd warriors they were, they knew that whoever dealt the first blow would be the victor. So they waited. And waited. The crowds began to thin, and yet they still waited.

Then the arena exploded. Zhuzhen was disintegrated a fraction of a second sooner, and Garcia was declared the winner, but the real question was who? Who had destroyed the arena? Everyone wanted to know who to thank for livening up the match!

As the search went on, no one stepped forward to claim responsibility. They knew that it had to be someone with a great deal of power for such a show.

Kefka? No, he was too busy with Midboss.

Sephiroth? No, he said, that wasn't his style and everyone agreed.

Ramirez? No, the armada was under repairs after another failure at world domination.

And the search continued, but no one took credit. Soon, everyone got bored and dropped the whole ordeal, leaving it as one of the DL's unsolved mysteries.

And the real answer? To put it simply, the match had grown so dull that the mysterious forces that rule over the DL world (including numerous plot bosses and optional superbosses) saw it as a threat to the natural order, and saw fit to end it in the least dull manner possible. Garcia winning was just an unexpected side effect, sort of like drowsiness from a cold pill or something to that effect.