Season 29, Week 2
Augst Henriksen
(Wild ARMs 4)
While Augst may pale before Carrot Top's masterful comedic arts, Brionac's resident jokester can take solace in the fact that he can kick any other comedian's sorry butt without hesitation. A skilled planner, it's been Augst's scheme to enter Light this season to prove he's more than capable of taking down all of the DL! Augst's resilience to both magical and physical assaults will prove to be a major roadblock for the overgrown cat, as he finds himself unable to penetrate Augst's formidable defenses. And for every hit he endures, Augst grows stronger, his flaming body blazing more brightly, scorching Cray every time he attacks. Not even the mighty Woren chief can withstand the flames of Augst Henrikson, comedic mastermind, for long! Soon, all of Light will be forced to bow down to his superior wit!



Light's saviour has arrived. Armed with a pole and the spirit of the Woren clan, he marches forth, prepared to lay the smackdown of Woren law upon all the failure that is Light, Season 29. His skillset is not much, beyond all the magic he's armed with - basic earth spells of high magnitude, and stat-boosting spells. Normally, his low speed and only slightly above average durability are major hinderances in playing any sort of buffing game, but that concern doesn't matter this week, as his foe is someone who can only counterattack! Cray can raise his attack and speed however much he wants, and lay out the twisted form that Augst has taken with a simply swipe. There's nothing more deadly than a called shot, and that's how Cray will start his season. One hit. One win. One fallen foe on the path of victory.

Augst's full power was to be seen here.

He had been holding back on those children. He liked them! He didn't want to hurt them, and only tiny wisps of his power, that which he could not hold back for the pain, were showing through. He was the invincible shield, but he was also the unbreakable sword.

And so, Augst released his full power upon Cray, gating him to another, completely dead, universe, then collapsing it. As he watched, Cray shrieked in infinite agony as the very universe compressed into nothingness around him.

Unfortunately, there is a sub-corrolary of Murphy's Law about tinkering with cross-universal attacks. Whenever you do that, you will screw up.

And so, another Cray, from another universe, promptly landed on Augst's head, log-pointed-down, conking his monstrous form unconcious.

Overall, it worked for everyone. This Cray seems to be basically the same, outside of being a bright, sky blue in color, Augst's sworn off the plot power stuff, and everyone's happy.

Somewhere, though, Cray's still screaming.


Well, then he pops out in another universe an indefinable, possibly infinite, stretch of time later, with complete amnesia and decides that Tiga's a good name for himself, but never mind that.

Augst Henriksen: 18
Cray: 58