Season 31, Week 2
(Suikoden IV)
Tal is not really a typical knight. He suffers from a permanent case of bed head, he’d rather fish than perform any of his knightly duties, and most of all, he does backflips. No one is really sure how he perfected his backflipping technique, being a knight who wears lots of heavy armor, but regardless of the origin of his skill, it is awesome. And he can use it this week in the Arena. His agility will be a vital tool in helping win against the two-time downgrader Opera Vectra, along with his nifty Earth Rune and its nice buffing magics. The Knight of Razril should be able to squeak out a win without too much hassle.



After a disappointing appearance many seasons ago, Opera is now more determined than ever to win that Light championship and start making her way back to Heavy. While Tal's Earth Rune may let him last a little longer, it still won't save him from the full force of an Alpha-On-One barrage. Meanwhile, the weak knight's pathetic sword strikes will hardly faze Opera, especially since the Tetragene's Healing Star will wipe all her wounds away with ease. With her bazooka tuned up and her magic reserves at full, Opera is ready to take down all who face her without mercy, even for a pitiable weakling like Tal.

One arse ugly face.

See this face? This is why he lost. That is one damned ugly face.

Tal: 19
Opera Vectra: 47
Operas victory in this division should be a lock, especially with all the abilities, with a gamma box and @ on One nothing stands a chance, even in a few divisions above.