Season 34, Week 2
Augst Henriksen
(Wild ARMs 4)
Were this any other occasion, Augst and Cai would no doubt have some fascinating insights to share with each other. Among the brightest minds from their respective worlds, the Trifler and the Wise King are instead meeting upon the field of battle. And while the two may be well-matched in intellect, the battlefield gives the nanomachine-infused Augst an advantage over the mere human Cai. Cai has given all his time over to study, focussing on his powerful elemental magic... magic that will be completely useless against Augst. The king will be reduced to his pathetic physical blows, and will be quickly overwhelmed by Augst's firey rage. Augst will claim victory, and find another time for non-violent social interaction with his opponent.



A creature who is literally unable to attack? Any other time Cai would love to have such a fascinating subject to study, but alas, the RPGDL authorities have other ideas. Caerleon's leader and best mage returns to DL combat to face one of the only creatures in the entire duelling league who literally can't attack on his own, but can counter any damage. Amusing, but ultimately not challenging. Cai will simply take his time and pick the frail monster apart with a few simple physicals from his handy spellbook. If the fight drags on, he has more than enough healing to recover from Augst's pathetic attempts at damage. Perhaps when the match draws to a close he'll be allowed to take the remains for his research.

Two beautiful women, fighting it out.

The Creamonade, primed and ready to go.

All the perverts would be so happy to see this match, the tearing of clothes, the beautiful smoothness of the bodies, the moaning as women fought...


"...are you sure this wasn't too cruel to them?" Sheena Lepant asked, trying desperately not to look at the struggle between Cai and Augst's monstrous form, as they struggled in a whipped-cream-filled arena.

"Nah. Only fifteen of them have tried to slit their wrists so far." Edge shrugged. "It's really not as bad as I thought, honestly. One's a bishie and the other's a monster."

"...Edge. That makes it worse. What the hell is wrong with you?" Yuri said, from his awkward, back-facing-the-arena seat on the steps. "I'd smack you, but I think I'd fall on my face."

"Oh, come on, it's really not that ug-...okay, now Cai's clothes are getting torn." Edge cut off, as he joined Yuri in his awkward seat.

"You were saying?" "Shut up."

"Still, don't you think this was too mean?" Sheena said anxiously. "After all, I promised them there'd be cute girls fighting it out. They won't forget this. Or getting locked in here by Piastol."

"Look, would you rather be on Piastol's good side, and ours, or Zidane and Sten's?" Yuri asked pointedly. "...Good point." Sheena shrugged.


Ultimately, Cai's rendition of the Final Atomic Buster easily won him the match(Cai's a bookworm. You'd be amazed what you can find in League books that you can't use in normal matches.). He only lost most of his clothes, and did gain a calendar deal out of it all.

Augst himself got one too. Turns out some of the ladies like random whipped cream covered nerdy scientists. Once they're not monsters, anyways.

As for the fooled, entrapped perverts?

Well, their luck has been so bad lately that Piastol actually pitied them and let them out of the match half-way.

Well, the shrieks were getting to her.

At any rate, as such, only a fourth of them committed suicide, and were all revived. (A few committed suicide again, and Sten temporarily got addicted to the attention he got out of it, but by and large, no long-term effects.) No insanity, no major structural damage to the arena, no overall problems, honestly.

If it weren't for Zidane temporarily doubting his sexuality and hitting on Fou-Lu, this would have been really fairly minor, as these things go. Oh well. The Emperor's rampage only managed to level Zidane, about seven dormatories, only one arena, and Zidane's spatial flight managed to knock the orbiting Zelan out of whack. They're almost getting used to that up there.

Needless to say, the resulting amnesia fixed Zidane right up, so it's still fairly minor, overall.

Augst Henriksen: 22
Cai: 31