Season 38, Week 2
(Lufia & the Fortress of Doom)
Aguro is about as classic a fighter as it gets. No tricks, no spells, no fancy techniques, just good old fashioned sword beatings. In contrast, Viki is about as spastic a mage as it gets, one whose specialty is teleportation. This also happens to be the thing she messes up the most. It's hard to find a more drastically different pair of duelists in Light, which is quite possibly why fate has deemed it necessary for them to fight each other. Well, it's no skin off Aguro's nose. For all her magical power and, uh, 'skill', Viki still takes hits like the little girl she is, and after traveling with Lufia and Jerin for so long, Aguro isn't about to balk at hitting a girl and show her a thing or two.



Ready! Set! Go! It's not just a skillset for the absent-minded errant mage, it's a way of life. Carting around time and space is but a simple matter of sneezing; the fact that she doesn't always end up where she means to is a mere trifling detail. In her latest appearance in the DL Light arena, she faces Aguro. Unlike Viki's aforementioned powers, Aguro cannot travel the planes of time. So Viki can use her usual skills of Set! for damage and, for the classic chaos that always comes with Viki, Ready! and Go! So get ready, RPGDL Light. This season Viki's serious, and when she gets serious, her opponents have a habit of ending up - way up in the stratosphere.

I think I'll level with you guys. Viki can just wave her hand and blink Aguro to heavens only know where. She can drop bathtubs, sinks and plants on him all at once. She can even hit him with a big old wand. Really, how can a mere warrior compete with that?

Okay, at least the teleporting part holds up. Bye, Aguro.

Aguro: 24
Viki: 41