Season 40, Week 2
(Digital Devil Saga)
The haunting and strange silent main, the demon devourer. Serph is a man who knows few fears. With his powerful Ice-aligned Atma beast, this frightening Light only dreads one thing: fire damage. And why, Jane barely even has any damage at all, let alone its shiny pyretic variety. Serph’s brutal Ice spells magic will easily outpace Jane’s mockable shots, and he even has plentiful multitarget skills to get around What Can You Do? And nothing the Calamity drifter does will have any noticeable effect on this durable demon. Jane may not be a very good fighter, but she’ll make a delicious afterdinner snack.



Tankish silent main, huh? Yeah, Jane's dealt with those before. Of course, this time she'll be shooting at him instead of joining his team, but hey, it's all the same in the end, right? Maybe not, It's not like Jane needs any advantages such as experience and strategy to beat freakin' Serph of all people. Just using her excellent speed to plug him over and over with bullets, whittling down his life while hoping for one of her lethal criticals to kick in should be all it takes against this guy. Calamity Jane is coming for you, oh leader of the Embryon, so don't blink or you'll miss her! 'Cause she won't miss you...

Serph walked into the arena, deadpanned "Ice to meet you," and froze Jane with ice magic.

Then he thawed her out and ravenously devoured her.

A sense of humor and good nutrition habits are both important to develop, but it's rare that you get to do both at once like this.

Serph: 22
Jane Maxwell: 21