Season 42, Week 3
(Valkyrie Profile)
One of the least used and not most well known Einherjar against your utterly generic Star of Destiny with no real worth. Really, its hard to get less interesting than this fight. But who cares about interesting? What matters is how good they are in a fight! And if nothing else, Jayle has her Eternal Raid going for her which after she builds it up for a few turns, she can take down her opposition with ease! Really, the fight is that straightforward. Trade hits with each other, Jayle shouts "in the name of my Lord!" and the fight should end. At least, that's what she's praying is the case anyway... surely this generic Suikoden fighter has nothing else going for him, right?



Sable's commander and general is a young man, lacking gray hairs or decades of tactical combat. He is however extremely talented and good at his job, as proven by the near universal respect and loyalty he gains from his troops. With his beloved Salisha in attendance to see him battle Jayle, he'll be going all out to prove his skill. His Titan rune gives him a powerful finishing blow to any battle, and his heavy armor and Shams al-Zuza greatsword leave him in much better shape equipment wise over the Light Swordswoman Jayle. While Eternal Raid may sting a little, it's nothing that Dinn can't muscle through - and the resulting counter attack should cleave Jayle in twain.

Dinn was appalled. He had won the match against what he had at first thought was a young swordsman, but upon closer inspection, found that the knight in question was in fact... a girl.

Such a tragedy, it was against Dinn's personal code to fight against women, not to mention the stigma it has in a country ruled by a matriarchy. Dinn might lose his knighthood over this!

There was only one thing to do!

"...and THAT'S why he got a sex-change operation?"

Never underestimate the stupidity of the panicked.

Jayle: 22
Dinn: 29

Tylor H
Sure, Jayle and Dinn are both sub-par fighters that managed to reach a position of importance by being... ahem, friendly with their immediate superiors ( would never lie to me!). But, as Valkyrie Profile (and most games where dying doesn't equal death for that matter) shows us, dying allows one to become super ultra powerful.

This makes this a match between a Valkyrie Profile Einherjar, who has to die to join the party, and a plot important Suikoden PC, who cannot die at all.