Season 48, Week 2
Augst Henriksen
(Wild ARMs 4)
Augst Henriksen, chief strategist and comedian of Brionac, has a cunning plan for defeating today's opponent - and that won't involve poor puns, either. Those Fire Emblem characters are well-known for using counterattacks to tip the balance against their opponents. What if they faced an opponent who never gives them an opportunity to counter? Hah! In fact, Augst shall counter the red tressed knight's paltry attacks instead, giving a taste of her own medicine to her not entirely stellar magic resistance. Let those who live by the counter perish by it? Now that's the kind of humor Augst excels at - irony.



Poor Augst. He's not a bad guy, really, but he now finds himself in the unfortunate situation of staring down another Fire Emblem paladin, and Titania is Kent's superior in every way that matters (particularly looks!). The vice-captain of the Greil Mercenaries is not one to go easy on anyone who has enough courage to step into the arena with her, no matter how inept they may be. As such, Augst had better put up the best fight he can manage before her steady axe puts him down for the count. Maybe after this beating he'll have the sense to stay out of the arena for a while and leave the fighting to those who can actually, y'know, fight.

Chisa Mikami
Augst's strategy would work were it not for one simple fact.
You need durability to be able to counter.
Augst gets one-shot ingame by Jude, and you don't even need to go out of your way to do so.
Needless to say, he exploded the second Titania planted her axe in his face.

Augst Henriksen: 5
Titania: 31