Season 50, Week 2
Nina Wyndia
(Breath of Fire III)
Such a sad state of affairs. The third Nina has gone through a long career of mockery and suffering, having to stand up to her sisters in a very unflattering light, always swearing "no more!" at every outing, always suffering defeat at the hands of less-than-capable Lights. Yet, she always gets up and tries, marking her perseverance as her greatest asset. Against the haughty Luke fon Fabre, her strong will shall make the difference between victory and defeat. While he certainly has the tools to handle the frail princess, he lacks the diligence. With the power of YOUTHFUL SPIRIT - wait, not the right dueler - I mean, the power of IRON WILL, she shall bring down the heir of the Fabre house and reach out to the stars!



What is it with Luke having to deal with short-haired, blonde princesses? Well, at least this one is a mage. And we all know what happens to mages when they get trapped alone against a fighter like Luke, right? Right. He's may not be as speedy as his retainer, Guy, but his solid hitting power and durability outclass most of the Light division. Workhorse combo techs like Rending Thrust and Swallow's Fury, along with his devastating Radiant Howl, will severely tax whatever healing the Wyndian princess is able to muster. It's a redeeming season for Luke after being downgraded from Middle. He's out to win, and, as we know of Luke, he's quite used to having to redeem himself after looking foolish. We'll be seeing him go far.

We need to find a male fighter who has no trouble beating down a poor defenseless lady...

In recent news: After Luke's surprisingly brutal beat down of Princess Nina it was revealed that he had just finished taking lessons from Chris Brown's schol of hard knocks.

Ladies of light beware, he was trained by the best!

Nina Wyndia: 9
Luke fon Fabre: 41