Lufia comes in to this fight at an advantage. Strong magic should help her put down her opponent with ease, defense boosting should minimize damage taken and healing keeps her topped up on health to avoid being put out of action. To avoid Zell's Limit Lufia has a few options, she can put him to sleep with status or just blow straight past it with the spell of her choice.
Zell will come in to this fight swinging. Fighting against a such a low-durability mage like Lufia greatly increases his chances for victory. Sure, he might not take magic with the best of them, being far from the brightest dueller around, but all he has to do is hit stuff. Zell can hit stuff good, especially once he gets down to unleashing the power of Duel, which should blow right through any protection Lufia has.
Dunefar "Man," Zell moaned to Fujin, as the two had a 'It's okay you lost' party at the local ice cream parlor. "I can't believe a girl beat me up like that!"
Ignoring Fujin's forming frown at that, "She couldn't have weighted more than a hundred pounds and she beat me so badly I needed a Life spell...this SUCKS."
"...This SUCKS!" The clerk at the ice cream shop grumbled, sighing deeply. "I save the world, beat the Sinistrals, and I still have to get a summer job since the knights aren't hiring. Can't even get in the DL to make money that way..."
Glancing around in complete boredom as he whined and bitched, he notes a couple in the corner....or, more accurately, one irate girl throwing a blonde haired guy through the window.
With a resigned expression, the clerk goes to get the broom. "Lufia had better he having a better time, whereever she is right now."