Season 12, Week 3
(Final Fantasy VI)
The leader of the Returners has an interesting fight this week. In his opponent, he sees someone who is much like himself, someone with both frail attacks and impressive healing. The key difference between the two is that while Banon is a good and noble man with many righteous deeds to his name, Ronfar is a shiftless drunkard. Well, no. In a fight, the key difference is that Banon's healing never runs out. All Banon has to do is outlast his opponent, and then proceed to give him a good old fashioned Punisher caning.



Ronfar is confident after his victory over the greedy Ramus. His challenger this week is much more honorable than his is last, but not really all that much better in battle. Banon has one skill, which is repeatedly healing himself until the opponent dies of boredom. Ronfar isn’t going to succumb to this strategy, because he hopes that one swing of his staff will knock his frail opponent out. And if not? Well, Ronfar will just have to have enough patience to wait for a doubleturn, and then smack Banon down.

Hunter Sopko
Seeing as this match wouldn't be won by brawns or damage, and since healing can't kill either opponent, Banon and Ronfar decided to have it be an old school pimp off. They each set out to bring back the best looking girl they could muster.

Ronfar, of course, brought Mauri. He recieved high marks from judges Meis Triumph and Sheena Lepant, although the third judge was rather indifferent. Total Score- 10-10-2 = 22

Banon, bless his heart, was reduced to bringing in Relm to showcase. Meis and Sheena nodded in approval, but deducted points for her age. However, the third judge was ecstatic, giving her the highest marks possible. Total Score- 5-5-10 = 20

This made Banon the winner. However, the third judge did not like this at all, and began his own rampage, which was quickly put down by DL security. Luckily, Ronfar was uninjured and able to proceed to the next round.

The real moral of the story: Never make Albedo a judge for a beauty pageant.

Banon: 26
Ronfar: 27