Season 15, Week 2
(Suikoden II)
The fabulous student of the Greenhill Academy strides into her match this week with an extreme amount of confidence. While she may look like your average schoolgirl, her spirit will never be defeated - especially not as long as Flik is watching her from the sidelines. All she has to do is score a few hits with her almighty Purse of Destruction, and her victory will be assured. Katt has absolutely no hope against the love between a girl and a boy! Wait, that didn't come out right, but you know what I mean...



As one of the DL's catgirl representatives, Katt has a lot to prove this season. While she's only fighting a simple human girl this week instead of one of those Ryu-stealing winged whores, this match will be just as short and brutal; Katt’s staff is infinitely more powerful than Nina’s simple purse. Although Katt’s durability leaves a little to be desired, Nina will have no time to exploit the weakness of this proverbial ball lightning before she is out for the count and dreaming of a dinner with Flik. This is the season of the Cat-Girl!

Nina has mage stats and doesn't have a rune. Poor Nina.

Nina: 8
Katt: 36