Season 15, Week 3
(Suikoden Series)
Exerting one's self in a long battle is a commendable trait, especially when doing so for long periods of time gives a significant boost to your attack power. Hix will need both his personal tenacity and Exertion Rune to stand against Katt’s staff. While Katt can hit fairly hard, her durability is negligable. A few powerful strokes from Tengaar++ should once again show Light the might of Warrior Village.



First Nina, now Hix: different genders, but they won't fare much differently against Katt. Both are young Suikoden fighters not named Emily, meaning that Katt still has a massive edge in speed and damage backed by a nice counter rate - if Hix can even hit the speedy kitty. A few smacks from Katt's stick, and Hix will be reminded why he has problems sticking up to Tengaar.

Hix, always a gentleman, kindly offered a pre match handshake to Katt before her duel.

Katt, being a friendly girl, gave Hix a full body hug, in front of Tengaar.

Tengaar, seeing a naked catgirl hugging her boyfriend, did what was natural.

However, brutally beating Katt with a chair was considered to be a violation of the rules, and hence, Katt won by DQ.

Hix: 16
Katt: 39

Sir Alex
As for Katt, she has like half the durability... but over twice the damage with a couple counters and the speed edge.