Sir Alex
Ursula's Death, which is actually very inaccurate compared to other game's versions of it, comes in useful for something. Whoulda thought?
Rinoa Heartilly: 4
Ursula: 8
Rinoa's not immune to death, is she? Only if she hits her limit, and Ursula will make sure that doesn't happen.
Jack Power
Close match, but I think Ursula has a decent chance of getting off a Death spell before Rinoa does serious damage.
Rob the Stampede
Ursula had quite a few of those great multi-hit weapons that do a great job of tearing in to the enemy.
Rinoa. Bah. They're pretty even, but Death almost never worked for me in the BOF games
Wave Existance
Ursula deals good damage with the Repeater (Not the Culverin or Electrifyer mind you).....Rinoa doesn't do good damage, and she won't be surviving to get any Desperation off.