Season 19, Week 3
(Chrono Trigger)
A win is a win, true enough, but besting a mere pharmascist is a minor feat for the chancellor of the great nation of Zeal. Now he faces a far more worthy foe in the Four Fangs' spellcaster, Ursula. And in this match he will again reign supreme as her Elfire will fall prey to Dalton's impressive evasion, leaving her little more than fodder against Dalton's Iron Orbs, and his mighty finishing Burp.



Now that Oswin and Priscilla have both been defeated, Ursula is the last dueler left to carry the torch for Fire Emblem. She aims to add to her game's already-formidable list of distinctions by tearing up Middle. Blocking her way this week is minor fighter named Dalton, who lacks both the speed and the physical damage needed to dent her. A few castings of Elfire, and he will be reduced to a pile of ash.

Jo'ou Ranbu
We all know Dalton isn't exactly a gentleman.

And Ursula, despite being a cruel woman, still has the demeanor and pedigree of a true lady.

So, no one in the Arena was surprised that, after Dalton let out his trademark massive BURP to take Ursula out of the fight, he'd meet the punishment stick's sharper end. Well, not exactly "stick", it was more like a massive, advancing and hungry explosion that charred the stupid man to a crisp. Ursula just double-cast Bolting and Elfire at the waves of gas, knowing the incoming result would do much more harm than anything else she could do by herself. And, even after the revival service, Dalton's plastic eyepatch still clings to his eye and skin.

All in all, Dalton learned that Dalton shouldn't burp in front of a dame. Well, a dame carrying highly flammable magic tomes, at least.

Dalton: 26
Ursula: 52