Season 27, Week 5
Agrias Oaks
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
The job of a Holy Knight is never done. Agrias' foes this season have ranged from the silent to the mouthy, from purest evil to most innocent good. It's been a fun ride, and it's not going to stop here. At the last, she faces someone between both ends of those spectrums, a pirate with a sense of honor. Although Sigurd's own run through Light and Middle has been the stuff of legends, the young man is a healer who lacks much in the way of damage and who relies on evasion to deal with physicals. It's the perfect foe for Agrias. Her Holy Sword attacks will both inflict dangerous statuses while her damage erodes Sigurd's MP at the same time. Be it through physical punishment or the status attacks attached to her Holy Sword strikes, Agrias is going to steamroll the young man and claim middle in the name of holy warriors everywhere.



The Suikoden series has long been home to warriors gifted with great foresight, be they mystical seers or battle-tested strategists. But even if you put them all together in a room, none of them would likely have predicted this. Sigurd, a simple pirate and bearer of an ordinary Water Rune, has become only the second dueller in league history to string together seven straight victories across two divisions. But that far-flung possibility is reality now, and this Star of Destiny stands but one victory away from the fabled double-championship. This eighth match will be the end of Sigurd's run either way, so he has nothing to lose...and everything to win. All he needs to do is once more put his trusty Water Rune and respectable speed to good use, power his way past another fighter, and step into his place in league history.

*reads match description* An evasive, healer with low damage against Agrias? This looks familiar and that's never a good thing. Agrias isn't exactly a powerful middle, as her low speed and averagish damage are really big hinderances normally. And of course, the fact that she's forced to use Armor as equipment doesn't help as she becomes status bait.

However, what she doesn't suck at, is a good max HP total thanks to the armor equips. Seeing as Sigurd is not overly damaging and can't really capitalize on her lack of speed, she's going to get plenty of chances to Crush Punch. Sure, Sigurd has healing...but as every FFT player knows, Murphey's law has to strike eventually, and one of those Crush Punches will impale Sigurd with Instant Death, healing or not.

What you want then against Agrias, is fast and decent offense to take advantage of the fact that she's slow. Sorry Sigurd. You definitely impressed with a 7 win-streak run, but Agrias is the type of opponent your not designed to run into and come out winning.

Agrias Oaks: 66
Sigurd: 19

Poor Sigurd, he'd be a much cooler Double Champ than Nina and he almost made it. Too bad he couldn't face just one more mage...