Season 28, Week 1
(Valkyrie Profile)
Soft-spoken with a tragic past and a heart of gold... yes, Lucian is every inch the typical RPG love interest at first glance, despite his gender and his immortal status. Even though he's a god, however, he doesn't command even a spot of magic. Instead, he hits things with his sword. Of course, when you're this good at hitting things with your sword, you don't need much else. Lucian alone of all Lenneth's Einherjar has the ability to build to his Purify Weird Soul in one turn. Even more impressive, said PWS, while not a shabby display of swordplay itself, actually plays second fiddle to his infamous Shining Bolt attack. This match, and indeed this season, is Lucian's time to shine.



After Percival's fall in Heavy last season, Borus is out to show the DL what a Zexen Knight can do in Middle. Lucian has a damage advantage over Borus, but Borus has a definite edge in defense. With the ability to equip heavy class armors and an A in Armor Protect, Borus only has to start swinging and laugh off Lucian's attempts to damage him. In the end, Lucian's paltry swordskills will pale before the Sword of Rage and Borus' excellent defenses. Borus Redrum is going to live up to his namesake this week, and splatter Lenneth's wussy little pansyblade boyfriend across the arena walls. He has his own Godlike swordswoman to please, after all, and a Middle Championship to take!

The butler of the Lightfellow estate was taken aback as a woman with striking silver hair barged past him without even saying a word.

"...Lady Chris? I thought you were attending Lord Borus' match at the arena today. What are you doing back so soon?"

"There's been a change of plans," the silver maiden shot back. "I need to prepare for a battle of my own."

Chris Lightfellow was about to enter the arena when something caught her eye.

"That's odd. That woman looks an awful lot like me," the Zexen knight noted as she watched a silver-haired woman run towards her in shining armor. Chris whispered to herself as the subject of her gaze drew nearer. "This armor...this coat of arms...can it be...I'd know this battle gear anywhere. It is MY armor!" Chris exclaimed as she approached the offending woman.

"Ah, Chris. I thought it best if this armor were to be worn by a proper goddess. Don't you agree?"

"Lenneth!" Chris shouted as she realized who stood before her. "But how..."

"You'll have to ask your butler, girl. I took it from your house in plain sight," the valkyrie explained.

"I don't know the meaning of this, but know that I won't let you get away with it!"

"And how do plan on stopping me?" Lenneth asked as she raised the Ervich from her side.

"My sword..." Realizing that she was at a clear disadvantage, Chris decided to return to Brass Castle to gather together a force capable of overpowering her divine opponent.

Lenneth made her way into the stands disguised as the White Hero just in time for the start of the match between Borus and Lucian. Her appearance put both of the contenders at ease as they awaited their signal to begin. At that moment, Lenneth locked eyes with Borus and mouthed one simple phrase: "Olive juice."

Having slightly misread her lips, Borus dropped his sword and dashed in her direction, screaming ever so loudly, "Did you hear that Lucian? Lady Chris finally professed her love for me!"

Lucian, however, had only heard one thing: the starting signal. "Valkyrie, grant me power!" the young man yelled at the top of his lungs.

Borus stopped in his tracks. The woman he had been running towards had suddenly grown wings, and he realized the grave mistake he had made when he turned to face Lucian. Despite his deafness to the starting bell, Lucian’s final shout of “Round Rip Saber!” forever rang in Borus’ ears long after the match had ended.

Lucian: 49
Borus Redrum: 33