Season 31, Week 3
(Secret of Mana)
There really isn't much that can be said about this fight. Popoi is a mage. Clint is a guy in armor who happens to be weak to magic. That's about all she wrote in terms of this battle. The specifics are just as simple: Popoi can win in a variety of ways; sleep followed by a barrage of magic, draining health with parasitic healing, a quick confusion spell to ensure no attack lands, or simply overkill with Burst. No matter how you look at it, Clint is completely outclassed in this battle. Better luck next time, bucko.



Mage slayer Picard's got a nice ring to it, eh? The steely Dragoon smashed Gogen but good in his debut match last week. Low magic defense be damned, this hero has nothing to fear from magic slingers of any stripe or stype. Popoi's not too much tougher to take down than Gogen, in all honesty: he relies on nonfatal status and unimpressive damage to try and carry the day against Clint. Just as the senile old man found out, that's not the way to take down Clint with any sort of realistic odds.

Sometimes, a young sprite must fight the way he knows best.

With magic, and with courage, and with hope.

And with one special thing that no one but a Sprite can really know best.


"MY GOD! GET THEM OFF ME!" Clint screamed.

"...Say. Purim. How did Popoi manage to get the crabs inside Clint's armor and down his pants that fast?" Randi asked, curiously, as he watched Clint run around the arena shrieking.

"I missed it. Too busy watching him set Clint's hair on fire and tangle him in vines so he could throw the rotten eggs." Purim said, somewhat loudly, in order to be heard over the shrieks and the Sprite's laughter. ", I didn't even know you could do that with a lemon zester and lederhosen..." Purim added, ignoring some exceptionally loud shrieks.

Randi shook his head. "Remind me not to get him angry."

Popoi: 51
Clint Picard: 20