Season 33, Week 3
(Xenosaga Series)
Miakis and Ziggy are pretty much polar opposites when it comes to their personalities, and it shows. Miakis is an extremely bright and cheerful woman, and her dauntless (not to say daunting) optimism brings her through many hardships. Ziggy, however, is old and grizzled; his faith in humanity rather dim and his demeanor is quite sullen and calm. Even their duelling styles clash; a nimble and slender Queen’s Knight against a sluggish, yet sturdy cyborg. Both have healing, which will make this fight last, but Ziggy’s metal exterior should help him prevail through her onslaught of knife slashes while his own damage keeps Miakis on her toes. The well-rounded physical tank should win the day though, and press on to the semis, ending this match of opposites swiftly.



Knives ready and Shield Rune in hand, the young but incredibly gifted warrior-mage of the Falenan Queen's Knights takes aim at her second foe. Seeking to advance further than her colleague Galleon, Miakis will now test her skills against the cyborg Ziggy. It may be, though, that victory for Lymsleia's bodyguard will come not through her traditionally known and vaunted offence, but through her royal armour. Ziggy's best damage is either fire-aligned or lightning-elemental, which Miakis can resist simultaneously with a Flame Casque and Water Dragon Armour. With no fear of her opponent's attacks, Miakis can raise her attack power with her Shield Rune, then shred her much slower opponent with a flurry of knives. Falena marches this week, and no "superior technology" is going to stand in its way!

"What IS this?" Miakis clanked her fist against Ziggy's skull. "Why am I fighting a chunk of scrap metal? I thought this was supposed to be a DUEL?"

Ziggy frowned, "You know, I'm still part-human, you can stop rapping on my skull, it's giving me a headache."

"IT TALKS!?" Miakis exclaimed.

Ziggy's frowned creased deeper, "I hate you."

Miakis grinned, and the match suddenly began with a flurry of quick strikes.

Miakis pulled her blade forcibly from the sliced remains of the cyborg, wiping the weapon clean. "Well... where's my applause?"

Ziggy's managed cyborg body was still frowning, "I hate you."

Ziggy's managed cyborg body was still frowning, "I hate you." And fired a rather large explosive right at the back of the overconfident Queen's Knight, knocking her out. Close match, but Ziggy can be repaired.

Ziggy: 31
Miakis: 30

Miakis is slippery and quick... Except when smacked with a Down Dex or two, and beat into a pulp by a disturbingly handsome 120-some year old cyborg.