Season 36, Week 2
(Legaia: Duel Saga)
Kazan, or Nazak, or Zakna, or however you spell his name has a bone to pick with Gallows. You see, Gallows is a shameless flirt, something Kazan deeply wishes he could have been in his youth. Instead of being a skirt-chaser, Kazan spent his days honing his mind and body to perfection (well, his body at least). And so now, in the arena, he will prove that his choice was the right one. That won’t be hard, with the auto-reviving Charge Heal and devastating Mystic Art: Fists of Stone backing him up. Yes, age will win out before youth in the arena today. Though it won’t give Kazan back the chance to sew his wild oats…



In a tribal battle of Baskar and Mystic, Gallows wouldn't be what you call the ideal candidate to represent the side of Baskar. After all, half the time he's drunk, and the other half the time he's just too lazy to be bothered to do anything. Well, at least he's not at much of a disadvantage here, given his opponent is every bit as drunk as he, and not quite in the prime of his life. With the Water Medium Schturdark's Healing and offensive might backing Gallows up, along with the trusty old shotgun, he can match the seasoned Mystic and his earthly Origin every step of the way, and hopefully, find enough motivation to win.

Thomas and Cecile watched in awe as jars and bottles flew through the air. Tables were exchanged, stools slammed into each other's face, but in the end, Kazan was the one finally taking a sip from his jar as his opponent lay unconscious, one sandaled foot on his shoulderblades.

"...and CUT! That's a wrap. Thanks for being willing to do this, you two. I've been looking for a way to do this commercial for ages." Taloon said to the two heartily as Gallows stood up and dusted himself off. "You two did a great demonstration." He lifted one of the stools and examined it happily. "See, not a crack, fracture or undone part anywhere. Taloon and Arc's Invincible Furniture's gonna revolutionise the industry! And here's your money. Thanks again!"

Kazan nodded soberly and turned to Thomas. "So, should we begin the fight now?"

"Actually..." Thomas hesitated.

"You guys just did." Cecile said authoritatively. "It's past 1400 - so that was your fight right there! And since Gallows was the loser in the commercial, he also lost there. Sorry, but rules are rules!"

The two fighters looked at each other, shrugged, and went to get a beer.

Kazan: 44
Gallows Caradine: 9