Season 36, Week 3
(Breath of Fire V)
So Lin, proud Woren, former Heavy, faces Yang, proud warrior, former Light. It's as much of a mismatch as it may sound to the uneducated. The karate man may be fast, but his damage isn't scaring Lin and he has no way to resist either her status effects or her stat-breaking attacks. In any event, Lin shouldn't have any trouble building up AP in order to unleash one of her dreaded Super Shatter combos, which should have the desired result of rendering her opponent a greasy smear on the wall. Disposing of Yang and advancing closer towards her old division should be trivial for the Trinity gunner. I mean, c'mon. Yang's fearsome battle cry is "Achoo." How tough can he be?



Edge isn't the only master of close combat from Final Fantasy IV. Yang's much more straightforward than the trickster ninja prince, relying on overwhelming speed and strength to carry the day. Well golly - Lin's finesse style is completely and utterly useless against getting your face beaten in. Opting to block Yang's status claws will weigh her down - offense she can ill afford to lose. Status is as much a losing war, requiring a couple of turns to kick in. Yang will literally be running circles around her, hitting and hitting and hitting. It won't be any one hit that does in Lin and sends her back to the world of Sheldar, but a chain of deadly hits from Fabool's Master Monk.

You ever hear that old line about not bringing a knife to a gunfight? Well, turns out it works for fists too.

Of course, Yang knew this and decided to bring some guns of his own into the fight! One quick stop at Scrap later, and the Fabulan Monk had a pair of absolutely wicked AGUNI-MBX's, some shades and a cool trenchcoat(because what badass gunslinger doesn't want a cool trenchcoat?).

Of course, it's too bad that Yang didn't know how to actually USE those guns.

On the plus side, Lin was impressed enough with his effort, and at how well he did despite having no idea how to use his weapons, that she's giving him lessons.

Lin: 38
Yang: 28