Season 37, Week 1
Magdalen Harts
(Wild Arms: Alter Code F)
With his long-awaited debut in the RPG Duelling League, Magdalen Harts lends the arena a newfound presence of grace, style, and a shocking amount of skill. A first glance at this unassuming gentleman would not lead one to think that he would be able to even hold his own in a fight, let alone dominate, but looks can be deceiving and Magdalen has caught many a Filgaian monster off guard in his years as a Drifter, and later, badass butler. His first opponent, the Amazoness Lise, is simply no match for his peerless ability. Though she possesses a plethora of stat-modifying spells, she would need all of their effects combined to match the combat prowess Magdalen possesses. And with the butler's superior speed, he'll be able to get in a decisive Punishing Evil regardless of what his opponent does. He may not be able to protect Jane in this division, but don't think that this will douse his desire for an honourable victory in the name of Maxwell.



With her spear and spells at the ready, the warrior princess of Rolante returns to the arena, hungry for a win after her rather underwhelming debut match! Her first opponent for this season may appear to be a tall order at first, though. Embodying the saying "Never Judge a Book by its Cover", the former Drifter Magdalen hits fast and hard - an opponent truly capable of pushing Lise's spear skills to its limits... if she fought this battle straight, that is. See, while the combat butler may have considerable skill and strength, all of that doesn't mean much when you can't protect against Lise's summons and their fun status effects. Whether the power of Marduke is called upon to seal the swordsman's Weapon skills, or the fury of Freya is brought forth to reduce the butler to a tiny fraction of his size and strength, the end result of this battle will be the same: A broken old man twitching on the floor and a victorious young woman walking to the next round.

Lise's mouth hung open as Magdalen reeled from the attack. "I... I..."

"I'm sorry Lise, but you know the rules." Georg sighed.

"We may be lenient about most questionable things," Lucca added while she wiped her glasses. "but interference THAT obvious? That really steps over the line."

The amazon princess just stared desperately at the judges. "But... but..."

"Honestly Lise, asking a Godlike to help you like that?" Tiamat said while clicking one of her tongues and shaking one of her heads. "How could you think that it would get you anything but disqualified?"

"But... but..." Lise repeated, still in shock, while the DL staff escorted her off the ring.


Meanwhile, in Asgard

"Freya, are you sure that mortal was calling for you?" Hrist asked the Goddess of Fertility.

Freya shrugged. "I don't see why she wasn't. How many divine beings named Freya could there be, anyway?"

Magdalen Harts: 27
Lise: 22

There are many cliche battles, in the world of fantasy.

Fists against swords, swords against guns, swords against magic, umbrellas against Chain Chomps...

But swords against spears?

There has only been once source of information about that...


"I don't understand it!" Lise nearly wailed.

She had researched for nearly a month, before her first battle, training with the finest of spear warriors, from the only worlds where the lance truly had an advantage over the sword.

Marcus, Wallace, Duessel, Yuuno, Devdan...they'd taught her for so long!

She'd easily defeated hundreds of Soldiers with their skills!

How had she been defeated so easily?

Where had she gone wrong?

*One month ago.*

"Hawk...she's a naive princess who lives in her amazon kingdom in the middle of a forest in the middle of a mountain range. She probably believed you, when you said those failures were the best spear-wielders in the league..." Angela said, disgusted.

"Ah, c'mon. She can't be that naive." Hawk said, shrugging. "Right?"