Season 4, Week 4
Garnet til Alexandros
(Final Fantasy IX)
Garnet's hit and heal tactics have served her well so far in this season's middle. She brought down the drunken Kyle with a few castings of Odin, and Izlude Tingel fell to the might of Bahamut. Rassius Luine isn't too much different than Izlude, stat wise. Unlike the Knight Blade, Ras can't threaten Garnet with MP breaks, or use Jump to avoid some of her spells. Garnet's hit and heal tactics have yet to fail her, and with a possible upgrade to heavy on the line, she isn't going to deviate much from her normal strategy.



Ras has powerful physical attacks, which Garnet fears. However, Garnet's fear will be tempered by her confidence, as she has beaten a pair of decent fighters in Izlude Tingel and Kyle. What can the Aurora fighter can bring to the table is a savage fighting style, which the desperately earnest Knight Blade and the drunken Kyle lacked.

Unlike Flea, Garnet isn't afraid of getting scratched for a round or two. Unlike Garnet, Ras can't summon Bahamut.

Garnet til Alexandros: 7
Rassius Luine: 3