Season 37, Week 4
Magdalen Harts
(Wild Arms: Alter Code F)
Middle's friendly neighborhood butler is usually far too nice to fight such sweet girls as Philia. Unfortunately for her, serving the whims of a certain pistol-packing Drifer must take precedence, so Magdalen will take the field once more. Philia's not bad by any means, but she's going to have a hard time taking on Magdalen and his impressive defenses. And it goes without saying that his own powerful attacks are going to make it tough for Philia to keep up a sustained assault. She may be somewhat faster, but the damage difference is so lopsided that it probably won't matter. Sword-fighting is usually Philia's specialty, but this time she's overmatched, and Magdalen will quickly beat her down in battle and move onto the finals, where one more challenger awaits!



The priestess of Straylize Temple and unlikely Swordian wielder once again finds herself in the Middle semi-finals. Pitted against a sturdy ex-Wanderer, Philia may seem to have her work cut out for her. Magdalen's sword strikes sting something fierce, after all, and he's not easily flustered - butlering has its advantages. However, one mustn't count her out so easily in this match. Magdalen may be strong, but he has notably bad magical resistance, and, sword wielder or not, if there's something that Philia has tons of, it's magical damage. Whether she decides to scorch him with lightning or simply unleash a devastating flurry of elemental pain through Divine Power, the old and decrepit butler had best prepare himself for a whole new world of pain.

"I'm telling you, it'll work. And it's your only hope."

Philia shook her head.

"Oh, come on, the last time I fell for one of your plans, you had me half-way talked into putting on lingerie and seducing Malik." Philia said disgustedly. "At least Rutee talked me out of it by telling me all of those facts about Malik you left out...Clemente, your plans are horrible." Philia finished in disgust, as she tossed her sword on her bed.

"Wait!" Clemente desperately yelled. "It's not my plan!"

"...You talk to people besides us?" Philia asked. "When neccesary." Her sword haughtily replied. "I've been given inside information on this battle, and you'd do best to listen to me."

"I'm still going to regret this." Philia replied, sighing.



Proud warrior butler.

Possessing an inhuman strength and speed, his sword fighting skills are rarely matched.

But he has a weakness.

When a young woman with blonde hair appeared, sporting a pair of guns, a familiar dress, and a odd braid/ribbon/corkscrew hairstyle appeared in the arena, and angrily informed him that Court Seim was under attack by Gobs, and what was he doing here when she needed him?, Magdalen had no real hope of victory. Rushing out of the arena, he ran to do his mistress' bidding.

By the time he reached Court Seim, only to find out that absolutely nothing had happened since Jane and he had left for the League, it was too late.

Philia, however, found that it's exceedingly hard to dye your hair back the exact same shade of green.

Of course, the real winner in all of this is Clemente.

Not only did he talk Philia into cosplaying one of the cutest young girls in the league, he had pictures taken.

Besides, Swordians are often lonely, and it turns out that his source of information is too.

Asgard likes having a friend.

(How can Asgard communicate information, you ask?

Go ask a silent main.)

Magdalen Harts: 27
Philia Felice: 28