Season 37, Week 5
Philia Felice
(Tales of Destiny)
The magical priestess of Ayatomi has come far in the Duelling League! Philia has overcome every foe she's faced with her potent mixture of magic, swordswomanship and bombs, even bowling over a legendary combat butler. After all those battles the only obstacle left to her championship is a mere teacher (that he teaches martial arts is beside the point) - and a narcoleptic one at that. While he packs a respectable punch, Juan is prone to starting battles asleep. This gives Philia the perfect chance to get to an early lead or outright win while Juan is as defenseless as a bug. With just the right spell of extreme overkill like Divine Power, Philia's about to claim the championship.



Hmm? Wazzat, Juan's in the finals? Meh, he'd rather just get some sleep, but if someone wants to drag him into the arena and let him sleep there, it's all the same to him. This match will just be the same old story as well. Juan tries to take a nap, somebody rudely wakes him up, he launches said offender into low orbit with a Waking Rune-backed haymaker, and then gets some well earned victory slumber. It's happened to everyone else Juan's faced, and it's going to happen to Philia. Talking sword or no, the little girl just doesn't have the chops to take Juan down in the one blow she'll get against the sleeping master, because once he's up he moves like lightning and hits twice as hard.

"Are you sure this is going to work, Philia?" Clemente was a little nervous about this plan, mainly because it started off without him even being drawn while Philia attempted to wake up her sleeping opponent.

Philia smiled at her swordian's concern, "Of course it will. You were there for the interview too, you saw it just as well as I did. We'll shut down that Waking Rune's power and then beat him like the Light he is without it."

Clemente wasn't so sure about that, but he kept his doubts to himself as Philia put her plan into motion.

First, as soon as the judge called a start to the match, she lobbed one of her patented Philia Bombs right next to Juan, causing him to wake up with a start from the loud explosion. And as the Waking Rune kicked in and his eyes turned red with rage, Philia merely smiled and enacted the second phase of her plan, lobbing a thermos full of piping hot liquid at him, "Go Folgers Coffee!"

Juan, as she hoped, caught the thermos and drained it's contents in record time. Then as if by magic, all of his rage seemed to melt away as he let out a massive yawn and looked over at the green haired girl in front of him, "Hmm, uh, Philia right? What's going on?"

Drawing her swordian at last, Philia took a deep breath and got ready to fight, "This is the Middle finals. So...prepare yourself!" Not giving him any more time to think, Philia quickly called down a double dose of electric death on her now wide awake foe.

Electric death which Juan sidestepped with what appeared to be no effort at all, "Oh, I made the finals? Cool. And you even brought me coffee, too. Now I'm gonna feel bad about beating you. Oh well, you ready kid?"

Clemente could barely believe his ears(or whatever passes for the ears of a sentient weapon), "Are we ready!? We just tried to hit you with lightning! I should think that would mean that we're ready!"

Thinking about that for a second, Juan shrugged and nodded, "Guess you've got a point there. Alright, my turn then."

And that's where Philia's 'brilliant plan' began to fall apart. While Juan's greatest claim to fame is that Waking Rune, he is not, as she thought, a 'scrubby Light' without it. Oh no. Without the Waking Rune active, he may have lost the sheer might that let him punch trucks into low orbit, but gained something far more valuable for a master martial artist.

You see, Juan is the man who trained the Second Fire Bringer army, including such notable warriors as Hugo, Chris Lightfellow and Sgt. Joe in combat. Juan is the man who Emily, a former Heavy finalist and now a ranked Godlike, calls Master. When fully alert and in control of himself, he was a man that even Godlikes would think twice about picking a fight with. And Philia had just handed him a cup full of liquid alertness and then challenged him to a fight.

When the ensuing beating was over and done with, Juan collected his championship with a bow and then went off to take a nap to celebrate, while Philia eventually woke up in the DL hospital.

She hasn't even looked at a cup of coffee since.

Philia Felice: 15
Juan: 43

The "sleeping fist" technique is the deadliest of all... ... I think...