Season 38, Week 5
Silmeria Valkyrie
(Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria)
While she is still the youngest of Asgard’s Valkyries, Silmeria has proven herself worthy of being the sister of the great Lenneth and Hrist. Crushing all opponents who stood have in her way, all she has left is a simple White Knight. Naturally, she'll approach this fight as any other fight, attacking with a barrage of arrows until her opponent stops moving. A few Flame Shots, Aiming Wisps, and, possibly, a trademark Nibelung Valesti later, and she will have engraved a championship upon her opponent’s soul, and have done so before either of her elder sisters managed to!



The White Knight has cleaved through a mass of opponents to make it this far, so it is only fitting that his final foe be a Valkyrie. After all, no mortal has a chance of stopping a Zodiac Demon! Little does Silmeria know that she doesn't have a chance either, though. For all her archery work, Silmeria can't do much about Wiegraf’s potent Holy Sword skills. She can't dodge them, she can't stall against them (lest she find herself confused or stopped) and she can't outrace them. With all of Simeria's options up, all that's left is for Wiegraf to finish the job and claim victory.

Ok, lets look at some quick mathematics...using mythology...and translation errors...oh heck, just follow along.

Wiegraf = Wiglaf. Obvious cause FFT Translation is bad enough to fudge something like this up, plus Wiglaf in mythology = ally of Beowulf and Wiegraf use to wear an outfit like Beowulf's.

With me still? No, well, tough, I'm still going on!

Wiglaf = Normal human in Norse Mythology.

Norse Mythology = Valkyrie Profile.

Valkyrie Profile = Normal Humans are complete and utter garbage. Notice how the only humans in the game are either dead or possessed by random goddesses.

Silmeria = Goddess. Self explanatory.

So, by simple laws of association, Wiegraf does not have a chance against Silmeria.

Silmeria Valkyrie: 33
Wiegraf Folles: 31

{{Rant mode: On.}}
Nobles tend to be whiny, entitled snobs who think they were born into ruling everyone while they busily stab each other in the back. But... nobles pale next to the Norse gods as far as sheer incompetence, hubris, and treachery. Today's poster girl: "I don't wanna do what Odin says!" Silmeria. Well, Odin was an ineffectual evil bastard, so maybe defeating him would be a good start for Silmeria... wait, nope, Silmeria had pretty much nothing to do with Odin being defeated. At least she helped out against Lezard.... or, okay, got defeated by him, never mind. Instead, Silmeria accomplished... well, she'll get back to you on that.

So the general point is that while Wiegraf is a general who at least gave the Balbanes a run for their money for some time, Silmeria's main accomplishment is some off-screen gotta collect 'em all soul gathering way back in the day. Yeah. She's not surviving Wiegraf's rain of Holy Explosions.

Lezard Valeth
Try as she might there is no way Silmeria could stop a speeding holy explosion heading her way. At least she has Garr cheering her at the DL's infirmary.