Season 4, Week 5
Garnet til Alexandros
(Final Fantasy IX)
Princess Garnet finds herself having to think fast, in this match. She likely has time for no more than one spell before Sgt. Joe slams down Silent Lake and lets his physical dominance take things from there, so she has to make that one spell count. Luckily for her, she has plenty of options. Spells like Mini, Silence, and Odin all have a chance of winning the battle for her in a single casting. So the real question is... does Garnet feel lucky?



Another match, another pretty young girl in Sgt Joe's way. Garnet's powerful summon spells won't scare the good duck, as he's seen far worse- in just this season! His powerful physical attack will strike fear into the fragile Garnet, as will his large supply of healing. What seals the deal for Sgt Joe is his Silent Lake spell. With one casting of that, all of Garnet's healing, all of her earth shattering summons, all of her support magic... will be sealed away, beyond her reach. With her pitiful physical, Garnet won't be able to touch the warrior duck. After that, it's a few swings of his Duck Halberd, and Sergeant Jordi will move on and claim a Middle title as his own.

Silent Lake. Death for mages. Therefore, we have a dead mage, and a winning duck.

Garnet til Alexandros: 4
Sgt. Joe: 10

Tylor H
The Duck and the Queen faced across the arena and they began their chanting. Garnet finished first, and muted her foe, blocking out the dangerous Silent Lake which would have sealed her fate. Sgt. Joe, a seasoned soldier and used to making do, merely shrugged at this setback, and strode forward. Three quick hacks of his halbred later, and he was champion.