Season 40, Week 4
Rutee Katrea
(Tales of Destiny)
Another week, another gullible victim to exploit! Hell, this week's premier moron should make things even easier for Rutee - Cecile, the Buheduc gate guard, can be stupidly durable and evasive, alongside having a skirt under the armor, but is she easily duped. She's just a freaking child, and Rutee should have no trouble conning her way to victory once again. Bloody Rose has issues hitting? No problemo: Atwight's Tidal Wave spell won't have such issues, and it even hits Cecile's unimpressive magical resilience. Cecile's own spear stabs are handled by a couple castings of Cure easily. This is the week of the thief, and Rutee will make sure she'll get all her earnings faster than a bullet train.



The age old question for RPG villains has always been what to throw at a cute, young girl bent on taking you down hard and fast. Well, the answer that this match provides? An even younger cute girl! Enter Cecile, on a definite hot streak of her own and burning her way towards the Middle finals with her spear and her excellent defense. Her final hurdle is Rutee, a fairly nice girl overall who packs one mean punch with her spells. What will surely result from this is a cat-fight oddly appropriate for all ages (Lest the censors have a field day). Never-the-less, Cecile is armored to handle all comers, and with her trusty spear, Cecile will send Rutee crying home to Mama in no time flat!

This fight was a dilemma. For both sides.

On Cecile's side was the knowledge that any damage she dealt could be healed.

Rather a depressing thing, when you don't deal that much damage to start with; Cecile was saddened by the idea of fighting for hours.

Rutee was similarly depressed.

After all, she had to tink away at armor several thousand times to defeat her opponent. A recipe for exhaustion, if not carpal tunnel.

So, with some discussion, both sides were able to make a satisfactory bargain that skipped hours of needless toil and made everyone happier, as befitting these two fighters.

Of course, loading up Thomas with aphrodesiac was not only highly immoral, but worked remarkably poorly, but hey, at least Cecile has finally gotten him to kiss her. And in the end, that's all that really matters. To them.

And only them.

If that's all that really matters to you, don't tell me. I don't want to know about it. Seriously.

Rutee Katrea: 30
Cecile: 15