Season 48, Week 1
(Breath of Fire V)
As a Trinity officer, the Woren Lin faced the endless horrors of the Sheltar. With such experience behind her skills, fighting a schoolgirl in the arena is something she could do in her sleep at worst. Fortunately for Lin, Mitsuru is a highly status-vulnerable schoolgirl, meaning that she'll have to face the full brunt of Lin's status combos. These include fairly accurate instant death, which will end things quickly. Of course, Lin can even get Ice resistant armor to help kill Mitsuru's damage ensuring that the catgirl gunner can get those precious turns for her instant death to work. Regardless, Lin isn't about to lose to a teenage student with demons in her brain.



As the first representative of her class to fight in the arena--indeed, first and foremost, given her status as class president--Mitsuru Kirijo has a responsibility to do her fellow students proud in the arena. And that's just what she's going to do this week, by freezing that strutting, would-be revolutionary Lin cold in her tracks. Any attempts by the Trinity gunner to resist Mitsuru's icy assault will be for naught with one casting of Ice Break, which will negate any protection against the element, and after that? Mind Charge, Bufudyne, poke the resulting ice sculpture 'til it shatters. Less elegant than Mitsuru'd like, but c'est la vie.

"Listen. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Takaya will be facing off against the Queen of Zeal in the arena. My request for you is that you eliminate him. I don't care what it takes."

Lin stared at the stony face of Mitsuru. "First. What's in it for me? Second. Why? I won't just kill anyone."

Mitsuru nodded. "Both are fair questions. To answer the first, you'll receive payment from the Kirijo Group. You have no doubt heard of Nate Nanjo, correct?" After Lin's mute nod, "My company is a splitoff of his about forty years previous, emphasizing the sciences whereas Nanjo Corp. focuses on trade. I will pay you not only for this mission but give you a continuing payroll as a member of the company. And I promise you this, this will likely be the bloodiest it gets. I am simply... desperate, you could say. Furthermore, though this was likely anyway, I will concede the match to you."

"You haven't answered the second question." Lin noted.

"...Takaya is an assassin." Mitsuru replied quietly. "The number of atrocities he and his friend have committed are beyond numeration. In my particular case, it is revenge for my comrades that have fallen before me." A pause at this, before Mitsuru held up her hand to forestall a comment from Lin. "I am well aware of the talents the healers here have. I do not expect him to stay dead; I simply wish to make sure he loses this match, and knows that our eyes are still on him. Though it slights my honor to concede so... this is a debt to the fallen that I must repay."

"...I understand." Lin nodded. "Alright, I accept your terms. Also... you are aware that they do have resurrection facilities here for those that died early, right? Just more expensive, but a girl of your pedigree should be able to cover it."

Mitsuru let a soft smile grace her lips. "I do. Thank you for telling me, however." After standing, "The payment will be readied as soon as you return. Oh, and... do not worry about any legal retribution. I will handle all such issues."

Lin: 18
Mitsuru Kirijo: 13