Season 48, Week 3
(Breath of Fire V)
Jet may have gotten this far by beating some puny mages and dragons, but Lin is going to show him how outmatched he is in a gunfight. After all, Lin has trained in the underground world of Sheltar, where death lurks around every corner. Her skills as a sharpshooter are second to none, and she has several tricks that can quash Jet. Her instant death attached to damage should quickly spell Jet’s demise, and if she can get her hands on some physical resistant equipment, she can even laugh at Jet’s middling power. Jet had a nice run, but Lin is determined not to be another opponent for the Drifter to leave by the wayside.



Well, well, well. It seems that this week, Jet'll be in the exact type of fight he's built for: a gunning skirmish where speed is everything. This should be no problem at all for the boy with the machinegun: with his quick sprint and the added punch given by his Accelerator Force, constantly outpacing the sluggish bounty hunter Lin should be a cinch. Even if she does get a chance in the chaos to toss her own shots, she won't be able to deal with Jet's evasion all that well, will she? In the end, this all boils down to who is swifter, and the mysterious Drifter has this edge in spades. You don't bring lacking speed to a gunfight, after all.

The focused, carefully aiming shooter beats the retard spray-and-pray-er every time. Lin took a few nasty bullet wounds from Jet's frantic machine gunning, but it was worth it to instantly drop him with a well-placed shot to the head.

Lin: 30
Jet Enduro: 4