Season 49, Week 5
Marle (Nadia Guardia)
(Chrono Trigger)
Once again, the princess of Guardia has proven her mettle in a highly successful streak. But she aims for the stars, hoping that she'll manage the coveted Middle title that eluded her back in season 16! And, while her opponent is a lot bigger than the dreaded Worker 8, he's not quite as much of a murderous weapon. Her status options will sadly be useless in this fight, but that's okay: Kornell isn't exactly fast, and Marle can take advantage of this with her Haste spell, letting her leisurely win her way via easy healing and attacking on openings her speed creates. After all, if Kornell couldn't even handle a bunch of dorks, he won't fare much better against the will and might of the Guardia Princess!



The finals at last. Kornell's been through his share of grueling (or just annoying) fights to get here, and now that he is, he's not about to waste his chance. The question is, can he beat Marle for the championship? Survey says....yep. Sure, he might not be the quickest guy around, and he may not have any tricky PC killing tactics to resort to, but there is one thing he has plenty of. Pure power. Kornell Buster hits like the proverbial train, while Megaton Punch isn't far behind. And what can Marle do about this assault? Heal? Yeah, that will only last so long, and doing nothing but healing isn't a good way to win. All Kornell has to do is keep the pressure up, and he'll prove to the world that he's a winner.

Oh, the humanity.

The miserable suffering.

The terrible, heart-wrenching pain.


"Don' peabrain!" Kornell cried, as he blasted Marle with attack after attack.

Namely, Sonic Blasts.

Marle, as it turned out, managed to live through those pretty safely.

Of course, she had to heal...

"I...didn't...I mean...." Marle sputtered, as she Cure'd herself time and time again.

"I'm afraid I don't understand. I don't recall hearing her say that." Emelious frowned, as Kornell vented his terrible suffering on Marle's fragile body.

"Well, maybe I lied to him about that." Violetta noted, as she watched the spectacle with a smile.

"...why?" Emelious asked.

"Pretty simple. I like the strong, silent types. With Marle out of the way..." Violetta chuckled nastily.

"...and people say that seeing the world as a miserable thing that needs to be purged is an unreasonable world view." Emelious muttered.

Marle (Nadia Guardia): 19
Kornell: 27