Season 54, Week 3
Baal, leader of the Garlyle Forces... and soon, DL Middle champ!The greatest dragoon, Kain, has fallen to his wrath, so how is the pitiful knight Vormav to defeat him? With the power of Gaia flowing through his veins and powerful magicks such as Burnflame and Zap, there is nothing that can be done to stop him! To add insult to injury, Baal has no equipment to break, even, rendering Vormav's foolish tricks useless. And that puny runeblade Vormav wields? Not enough to trounce the might of Alhealer. The puny knight is out of his league here - don't bring a sword to a magic battle, fool. The Lord of Destruction shall reign triumphant! ...or wait, is that a different Baal?



Was one not enough? It seems the sacrifice of tiny swordgirl Anna was not enough to resurrect the Bloody Angel. Thus, the ruthless knight Vormav must proceed on to his next victim for Ajora's revival. Perhaps an egotistical tyrant will be enough to stir Altima into this world. For Vormav will fall on him like a meteorite from above, shattering his gear into bits and laying him low. He will endure all Baal has, his shield mighty and sturdy to ensure proper evasion and defenses. Ragnarok will slide between Baal's ribs, offering up a second sacrifice to the Bloody Angel as all of Baal's tricks come to naught. May this victory be enough, for it not, Vormav's rampage will continue.

Vormav is sure a ball-buster! He can lay down the...oh wait, BAAL. Whoops! Baal, my mistake! Oooooh. Ow. Can poor Baal get a heal spell, someone?

Baal: 13
Vormav Tingel: 33