Season 54, Week 4
Vormav Tingel
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Vormav's got a history as a mover and shaker in Middle. Meliadoul and Izlude's father had a very successful run in the second season of the DL, and has been effective in other appearances. The weapons of a Divine Knight will be of the normal, deadly use here, as Vormav shatters Kanji's armor and accessory with aplomb. His excellent evasion from his shield and mantle render Kanji's physicals useless, forcing the street punk turned emo Persona user to rely on his far weaker magical offense to carry the day. The darkness and death that follows Vormav around everywhere will appear again, as the human vessel of the Regulator tears Kanji apart with the power of Sword skills, proving that raw strength far overpowers mental chicanery!



A sword to a brawl? What the hell are these people in the League thinking? Well, not that it matters - Kanji can use shields as weapons too (or do you think those tables only exist to crack a person's head?). The rowdy troublemaker is quite capable of breaking Vormav's bones, and his swordskills are meaningless to someone as naturally tough as the bad boy from Inaba! To add insult to injury, the possessed knight is actually not very resilient, and his equipment-breaking skills won't do much good to him when he has to face the wrath of Rokuten Maoh's Primal Force. As soon as Kanji connects a good hit, the match's as good as won, and he'll have a guaranteed ride to the finals. Time for some renovation, indeed!

Vormav and Kanji both have excellent skillsets and are good in Middle. Neither can use the skillset worth a damn- Kanji only has one piece of armor to break and still takes hits like a sherman tank, while Vormav's evasion means Kanji will be trying to outslug with Ziodyne. What this fight comes down to is toughness then- who can outlast the other?

I'd bet on the kid who beats his opponents to death with a freaking table.

Vormav Tingel: 19
Kanji Tatsumi: 25