Season 55, Week 2
(Final Fantasy VII)
Arwoooooooo! His nickname of "Red" matches his fiery coat and determined - if quiet - spirit. Red's a straightforward fighter, relying on his Limited Moon-backed physicals and a little fire magic to secure victory in the arena. Nanaki may not be able to sip with Sharmista, but she sure as hell can outbrawl a New Armes mage like her. Critical advantages in speed, damage, and durability give Nanaki plenty of chances to put his foe away - and that's before Sharmista has the misfortune to trigger a lethal limit.



Shula Valya only employs the classiest of ladies. Sharmista's got the grace one would expect from Shula's personal bodyguard and the looks to match. Her Earth Rune gives her plenty of ways to dispose of a wretched beast like Nanaki. Be it walling his physicals, or blasting him out of the arena with earthquake. If Shula's guard doesn't bother with her weapon? Her bare hands are more than enough to get the job done. All are suitable ways for a lady to win; it's Nanaki's poor luck to run into a lady such as her!

NANAKI IS A CUTE AND VERY COOL RED PANTHER!!! And he belongs to an incredibly rare and unique race of Ancients...he alone beat Ruby weapon!!!! At least thanks to my help:) How could someone so cool and cute lose against some fashionable lovely lady?!!!

Nanaki: 35
Sharmista: 8