Season 55, Week 3
(Grandia 2)
In other circumstances, Ryudo would find a great deal of common ground with his opponent. Afterall, she's one of the few that can match wits with Ryudo when it comes to taunting those they've sworn to protect. Unfortunately, Miakis holds a critical advantage in this battle, the healing of her Shield Rune. But it'd be silly to count Ryudo out just yet. With careful planning and manipulation of his resources, Ryudo should be able to use a pattern of Tenseiken Slashes, Flying Tenseikens, and perhaps a Sky Dragon Slash to keep his perky foe on his edge all the way through the fight, limiting her opportunities to attack and sapping her resources. With luck, her resources will fail her first, allowing Ryudo to easily cut his way to victory - and maybe learning a few more comments on the way!



First a songstress, now a dog! Well, Geohound, but that's basically the same thing, right? Semantics aside, it looks like Miakis will actually face an opponent who knows what 'damage' means this week. Ryudo's got some similarities with Miakis, but that's never stopped this Queen's Knight before! She'll float like a butterfly and sting like two bees: hey, two knives, two stabs, two stings! No matter how much Ryudo wants to damage the Queen's Knight, she will heal herself back up to fighting condition. Ryudo cannot say the same. And so, this match will be fairly academic: Miakis stabs Ryudo until he stops moving, while healing off whatever damage Ryudo tries to pull off. Hey, not all matches need to involve complicated strategies and gambits to achieve victory!

Miakis knew what to do.

She'd been told everything about these men.

Why, just a day ago, one had tried to hit on Lyon during a match!

No, no, she knew knew how this battle had to be fought.

The moment Ryudo opened his mouth, she struck him down with fury.

No quarter given.


"You mean she didn't even let you show her the picture? What a witch." Millenia muttered.

"Yeah, really." Elena sighed. "It's such a cute puppy, too."

"Well, I wa-ow, damn it, stop bandaging that so tight! Anyways, I was kinda hoping getting her a puppy would make the fight a little easier, but the poor mutt mostly just needed some place to stay..." Ryudo sighed. "Oh well. Maybe one of you two will take it?"

The fighting over Ryudo's puppy could be heard for half a mile.

But Miakis heard none of it. She was relaxing, content in her strategy and ready to share it with everyone.

Lyon was right.

Don't give any quarter to them.

That's the only way to be safe...

Ryudo: 12
Miakis: 37