Season 55, Week 4
(Suikoden 5)
At this point, you have to worry about the safety of Princess Lymsleia with Miakis being gone for so long in the arena this season. If it's for the glory of Falena, though, it's a worthy tradeoff. Elhaym van Houten is as formidable a Middle opponent as one can face, so a win here would really boost the prestige of the Queen's Knights. Fortunately for Miakis, she has a lot going for her. She resists a great many things such as Fire, Wind and Water and even halves status, lessening the chance of falling victim to that fatal sleep that's brought Elly this far. Still, she doesn't resist everything, so she'll have to make the most of the turns given to her. With potent physicals and healing, she really puts Elly in a tight spot. Maybe a trip to the finals will finally get the Dragon Knights to open their doors...



Another week, another challenge. After her first two victories, one would think Elhaym would finally face someone resistant to her tricks. No such thing, however! Miakis, like her predecessors, falls prey to Elly's Lunar Rod. Can she resist seven seperate hits of perfect accuracy sleep? This week shall reveal it all! Even without Sleep shenanigans, though, the Solarian's ether mastery grants her a number of options with which to assault Miakis. But really, Elly won't see much use for that. She'll simply strike with her Lunar Rod until Miakis falls asleep, then gather the necessary energy to unleash a combo of devastating finishers. And that, surely, will be a finisher against Miakis as well. It's about time the Solarians finally exert their supremacy over the Lambs directly!

Two beautiful women.

Baring it all on the battlefield!


"And, really, why the hell is Fei so dense? I mean, I took a shower in a clear glass tube in front of him! And it took him that long to show any real interest in me, and after saving my life, he still won't really pay any attention to me, and...and..." Elly sputtered.

"Okay, I'm done here." Miakis muttered, walking out in disgust.

Well, perhaps a contest to see who can bare their emotions, and their very soul, better, was a little tacky.

But hey, it did keep the perverts away. Something can be said for that.

Miakis: 15
Elly van Houten: 30