Season 55, Week 5
Elly van Houten
As a seasoned Solaris officer, Elhaym certainly shouldn't be surprised at the prowess of sentient machines, even though that's superior technology to what she routinely deals with. However, it is quite a shocker to know that a supposedly advanced being such as Steel Massimo carries such a glaring... and, dare she say, -human- vulnerability. Besides his poor emotional defenses, the so-called Reploid Hero is entirely vulnerable to the enticing torpor of sleeping - and the Solarian's Lunar Rod weapon is as surefire as weapons come at dulling one's senses with slumber. And better: even though Elly herself isn't exactly physically fit or nimble, she does outpace the hulking machine enough to get the first drop. A single strike with her trusty weapon will disable Massimo - and once that happens, she has the fight at the palm of her hands. Cruel, but fool-proof.



It's time for CRITICAL! The steel hero of the masses may be glad to have come this far, but it's just as you'd expect for a mighty Reploid champion such as him! Sadly, once again he has to fight a fair lady (the third this season? Just cruel), but he's gotten used to it by now. And he has to keep his eyes open, as Elhaym van Houten employs dirty tricks in battle, like nearly unavoidable sleeping baton strikes. However, Steel Massimo has an answer to this: fortunately, Elly is about as slow as the great hero is, and Massimo can utterly trivialize the Solarian's repetitive trick by accessing his Hyper Armor, granting him status immunity. By getting the first strike, Massimo is guaranteed to win, as Elly herself is woefully unable to handle a Berserk Charge - or Massimo's impressive durability. The fine hero is bound to win this Middle season, in the name of all Reploids!

One problem with robots designed to be as human as possible is that they're also designed with some of the weaknesses that humans get.

Thus, the bemused audience of the Middle finals was treated to the sight of a loudly snoring robotic super hero getting slowly bludgeoned to death by a mere slip of a girl.

Meanwhile, on a meadow near Mahogany Town, a flock of Mareeps and Flaaffies had the sudden urge to jump over a fence one by one. They eventually decided against it and went back to grazing.

Elly van Houten: 26
Massimo: 9