Season 61, Week 2
(Pokémon Series)
Life is pretty good for the RBY starter Pokémon. Venusaur has cut up Middle this season, while Blastoise has leveled Light - to top it off, the venus flytrap lizard's last match of the season is most likely his easiest. Thunder resistance makes Bruiser's offense a bad joke, and Venusaur's healing can more than keep up with that. Sleep Powder will stop the brawler before he can even land an attack, while Frenzy Plant will tear Bruiser apart while he dreams of success. That dream is as close as Bruiser will get to the Middle title, as Venusaur has no intention of losing to a moron like him!



What Bruiser lacks in brains he more than makes up in brawn. After unlucky runs in Heavy, Bruiser finally had time to shine. Ballistic has already ripped up half of Middle this season, and if Venusaur was smart, it would run away before having to face the arena champion's might. All our hyper-powered monk-style fighter needs is a few good openings and his monstrous foe should go down for the count. And given that he practically grew up in an arena, Bruiser is more than used to the pain that comes from fighting. He'll take as much damage as possible, but in the end, his fists of fury will win out!

Venusaur: 23
Bruiser Khang: 2