Season 11, Week 4
(Shining Force 2)
Zalbard's riding high from two easy wins this season, and he shows no signs of slowing down. He'd be best not to get overconfident, though. His opponent this week is one of the strongest middles around, and his specialty is dealing with high-powered physicals. Luckily, Zalbard has his high-powered magic to fall back on - the devestating Bolt 2 doesn't care one bit about all the young Zexen's heavy armor. With the Knight of Rage's horrible magic resistance, Zalbard has a clear offensive edge once again.



Clad in his heavy armour, the Knight of Rage has proven that he can take a physical punishment and dish out plenty in return by felling Orlha and Tifa in the first two rounds. And though his latest opponent is certainly faster than those two, the Greater Devil is no stronger. Zalbard's repeated staff beatings will certainly tax even Borus' staying power, but with his A ranks in Damage, Heavy Damage, and Armour Protect skills, not to mention his power-boosting Sword of Rage, Borus has all the tools needed to win in a pure physical brawl - even against a devil.




Although Borus was ground into the dirt by Zalbard's magic, there was an upside.

Chris Lightfelllow herself tended to Borus's wounds after the fight, and even hugged him after he woke up.

Zalbard gets to rest for a bit, and go back out for yet another fight.

Borus looks like the real winner, here.

Zalbard: 18
Borus Redrum: 4