Season 14, Week 2
Balk Fenzol
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Expert Engineer Balk Fenzol is once again faced with a durable mage. Unlike Nina the Fourth, however, who thrashed Balk so soundly last time, Nino has nothing in the way of healing or status protection, leaving her open to sniping as Balk employs tactical maneuvering and his Move-HP Up. Balk himself possesses long range counters and good moblity, so he'll easily enough be able to keep Nino from closing in. With his regeneration and high speed to protect him against doubleturns, Balk has the obvious advantage the longer the fight goes. And with his own tankiness and Nino's inability to gain high damage from a single spell, he can afford to take her on at any pace he wants.



While you certainly wouldn't know it by first looking at her, the Black Fang's youngest magess is actually a more talented fighter than even many of the elites in her shady organisation. Her Thunder spells are powerful in their own right, but throw in her ability to counter nearly anything with them and she becomes a Middle to be feared. Her first opponent, Balk, will likely underestimate her, but that plays to her advantage... as does her outstanding magical resistance, which will cause her to laugh at her opponent's spell-slinging gun. It won't be a quick win, thanks to her opponent's own magic defence, but Nino is confident that if she tries her best, victory will eventually be hers, either by a long exchange of spells, or just one thundering critical.

While normally, little spunky girls who are upcoming mages with potential would beat the crap out of big ugly gun wielding geniuses like Balk, the two had again, forgot it was Chocobo Mating season...

However, both were too wrapped up in the fight to realize the horde of stampeding Chocobos (Chasing Viper at that), which all had ran right through and trampled Balk to death...

Nino stood there puzzled...did she just win? One would think yes, but it appears an arbitrary chocobo stampede is considered interference, so Balk moved onto the next round.

Balk Fenzol: 26
Nino: 24

Hmm...a sniper vs Nino. It's true that Nino doesn't have any healing and Balk has alot more range...however, once you take away the physical force of the gun, the only thing that remains is the magic attack that comes with it, and that will barely faze Nino.

Nino's spells are painful. Extremely painful.